Here we will discuss if, if else, and else if statements in R, and use them to create simple functions.

For other statement types for creating algorithms, see the pages on for loop and while loop statements, and creating functions.

1 What Are If and If Else Statement in R

If, if else, and else if statements perform one of a set of possible tasks based on what condition is satisfied.

If, if else, and else if statements take the forms:

  task code chunk
  task code chunk
} else{
  alternative task code chunk
ifelse(condition, TRUE value, FALSE value)

The if else statement can be extended to multiple layers with else if:

  task code chunk
} else if(new condition){
  first alternative task code chunk
} else{
  second alternative task code chunk

This can continue with as many conditions and alternative statements as possible, provided they are well defined.

Basic examples:

You can use logical and relational operators to specify conditions.

a = 1
if(a < 3){
[1] 1
a = 3
if(a > 5){
  print("We have enough.")
} else{
  print("We need more.")
[1] "We need more."
a = 5
ifelse(a > 6, "Great!", "Retry!")
[1] "Retry!"
a = 12
if(a < 5){
  print("We need more.")
} else if(a < 10){
  print("We might need more.")
} else{
  print("We have enough.")
[1] "We have enough."

2 A Function to Return the Cube of Only Positive Numbers in R

The cube of a number \(y\) is \(y^3\).

The argument of interest is \(y>0\).

To create the function, use:

cubeY = function(y){
  if(y > 0){
    cube = y^3

For \(y=2\):

[1] 8

To allow for custom error statement when \(y<0\), update to:

cubeP = function(y){
  if(y > 0){
    cube = y^3
  } else {cube = "Error: this is a negative number."}

You can then evaluate for the numbers \(y=4\) and \(y=-6\):

[1] 64
[1] "Error: this is a negative number."

3 A Function to Find the Real Roots of a Quadratic Equation in R

A quadratic equation is of the form:

\[ax^2 + bx + c = 0\]

with \(a\ne0\), and \(a, \; b, \; c \;\) as integers.

The two roots or solutions are:


  • The discriminant is \(D = b^2 - 4ac\).

  • For \(D > 0\), the equation has real and distinct roots.

  • For \(D = 0\), the equation has real and equal roots.

  • For \(D < 0\), the equation does not have real roots.

The arguments of interest are \(a\), \(b\) and \(c\).

To create the function to find the roots, use:

rootq = function(a, b, c){
  D = b^2 - 4*a*c
  if(D > 0){
    root1 = (-b - sqrt(b^2 - 4*a*c))/(2*a)
    root2 = (-b + sqrt(b^2 - 4*a*c))/(2*a)
    roots = c(root1, root2)
  } else if(D == 0){
    roots = paste("Equal roots:", -b/(2*a))
  } else {roots = "Real roots do not exist."}

You can then derive the roots for \((a, b, c) = (1, 1, -6) , (1, 4, 4) \; \text{and} \; (1, 2, 8)\), that is \(x^2 + x - 6 = 0\), \(x^2 + 4x + 4 = 0\), and \(x^2 + 2x + 8 = 0\) respectively:

rootq(1, 1, -6)
[1] -3  2
rootq(1, 4, 4)
[1] "Equal roots: -2"
rootq(1, 2, 8)
[1] "Real roots do not exist."

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